
EDITS. . .sigh. . .edits. . .

People ask me all the time, "Isn't writing a book hard?"
I laugh. Writing the book is the easy part. Editing the book is the hardest part!

I don't know about you, but editing my manuscript is the number one thing I dread in the process of finishing a manuscript.

We all know that when we type THE END, that the end is NOT the end! It really is the beginning.
Some writers love it because they use the editing process to put more meat into their story, flesh it out more, and create deeper characters. Some writers are like me. . .they type THE END and it really is the end (or what we want the end to be).

Not that I don't want my story to be the best it can be, but I've written it once through blood sweat and tears. And quiet frankly, I don't want to relive that part again.

If I dive deeper into why I really don't like the editing process. . .it's hard work! I don't like hard work!

In the editing process, we have to find the plot holes, make sure the lose ends are tied up, make sure that your protag has the same color hair and eyes throughout the book, blah, blah, blah.

Guess what?

I don't want to read my novel 200 times. I don't want to check and re-check to make sure I tied up all the red herrings. BUT I want a bunch of readers to pick up my book and love it.

Then why don't I love the editing process so they do pick up my novel and love it?

Well . . .I'm learning to love the process.


I'm taking my time. I've realized that the publishing industry isn't nearly as fast as I'd like it to be. It's all about getting the best product out to the readers that you can. That means that you must take your time. Read every single word, and reread every single word. Make sure you develop your characters, create that scene, tie up all the plots and sub-plots. AND remember that if you take the time NOW to create that fabulous book, that you can take the time later to reap the rewards.

In the end, there is such a great satisfaction once I can type THE END after the round of edits.

Author Sarah Duncan has a great series on her blog about the editing process! Check it out!

TODAY is NEVER TELL YOUR DREAMS book birthday! Release day!!!

Superstition:  Noun
1.      An irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear.
2.      Circumstances under which Maggie Greenlee lives her life.

Maggie’s life revolves around superstition.  Never walk under a ladder, don’t let a black cat cross your path, Maggie’s favorite, toss a pinch of salt over your shoulder for good luck, are staples Granny taught her. But the biggie, never tell your dreams before breakfast, is the one Maggie is sure is an old wive’s tell. But after Maggie hears that someone had a dream that Maggie was left at the altar, before breakfast-no less! –Maggie pulls out all the superstitious stops to make that dream not come true.

Until her fiance breaks off their engagement and she loses her job. . .all in one week.

Maggie goes back to Grandberry Falls where Granny's sweat tea and the annual Jubilee is just the cure she needs. Only everyone seems to be keeping a secret from her.

Mayor Mitch Dozier is busy working on the eminent domain case against Maggie's granny's farm. Maggie's granny insists that Maggie doesn't find out about the case, and Maggie is a distraction he doesn't need.His heart was broken once by Maggie Greenlee. He won't let it happen again.

Will Maggie and Mitch discover that the future of Grandberry Falls depends on them?


  1. Preach, sister! I'm in the throes of editing now. I told myself I'd give my book "one final pass" (HAW HAW HAW!!!) before sending it off again.


    This most recent read-through has given me so much insight! Huge, missed opportunities to tell more of the story I didn't know about until now.

    You know all that "dig deep" stuff we hear about in OVRWA? I think I just hit gold. ;)

    1. OH, Jessica. You are so right. I think "I'm going to go through it once and then let my editor take a look." BUT then I print the dang thing out and write all over it. . .dig deep. . .ugh!

  2. I used to hate the revision process, Tonya.I considered myself a first draft addict. I could zip through and finisha first draft in about three months, but the revisions were hell! My process seems to have evolved into editing as I write, which cuts out a lot of the editing later, but makes it more difficult to get to THE END. Though I've learned to enjoy the revision process more, I'd like to find a balance so I can still produce that first draft in the three month time period. Indie-publishing waits for no woman!

    1. Indie-publishing waits for no woman! Yes! I think that is why I have such a short fuse when it comes to edits. Publishing is so slooooow, but as an indie I can get it out pretty fast. BUT I have to slow down and enjoy each process of writing and it seems like you have learned that!

  3. I am your alter ego on this issue. Hard to get the stuff out of my head. Easy to massage it into something close to perfect.

  4. Revisions are my bane! And yet, I'm one of those people who love them, for the reasons you state. Everything you said is spot-on. With some preliminary planning, I can whip out a first draft in 2-3 months, and that's on top of my full-time job. But revisions take at least twice that long! I use Holly Lisle's How to Revise Your Novel process - it's time-consuming, tedious, brutal - and it totally took my writing to the next level! Between that, my beta readers, and my editor, I know I'm putting out the best product I possibly can for my readers!

    CONGRATS on the new release!

    1. Wow! Jennette, you have your process down. I'm going to check out Holly's book! Thanks!

  5. Still getting to know the editing process, we are now getting coffee together, so cant say I am in love with it as yet. But, I do understand how important it is! Sometimes the first draft ends up turning into an outline and the editing ends up adding so much flesh and meat that you are reminded how important it is to take your time and do it correctly.

    1. Nicola, I love what you said about the first draft really being the outline. I'm sure if we all change our thinking about editing in that way, we will be more productive during the editing process.

  6. I tried to edit as I write, and I found it disrupted the flow for me. I went back to writing and then edits. I edit and re-edit now I'm not so anxiously awaiting re-writes from my publisher. Then the work will really start, or so I'm told.
    Congrats on your new release.

    1. Gerri, it completely disrupts me too. I have to get it out and then go back. It's the third and fourth rounds that wear me out:)

  7. I kind of like editing one day and then want to rip my hair out the next. It feels great when a scene comes together after some hard work.
