
Ghostly fun!

Click here to purchase! Granny Zula says, we are three gallons of crazy in a two gallon bucket. When it comes to me and my sister, Charlotte Rae, she's the crazy one even though I'm the one who was diagnosed with the Funeral Trauma. Just like most sisters, Charlotte and I were a little competitive in the funeral home business. After all, she did leave Eternal Slumber, our family funeral home, and began to work for a big funeral home that was more than just laying corpse in the casket. She went to work for the Hardgrove's Legacy Centers. They hosted baby showers, bridal parties, and even catered events right along side of a funeral. Granny said that she'd never seen the like: "You can go to a baby shower in the morning and walk over to a layout to pay respect in the afternoon."

But back to the Funeral Trauma. What is the Funeral Trauma? Well, I think Doc Clyde made it up to make granny and Charlotte feel better after I had a perilous  run in with a plastic Santa falling on top of my head and knocking me flat out! I thought I was a goner, gone to visit the big guy in the sky like the clients I stuck six feet under when I was visited by the ghosts of  people I've put six feet under. Only they tell me that they can't  cross over until I can figure out who killed them.

KILLED THEM??? I'm an undertaker, not a criminal investigator. Or was I?
A couple of years later, a few Betweener clients murders solved (yeah...they're called Betweeners, stuck between here and there), I've got the hardest client yet.

Charlotte Rae Raines.

Yep. That's my sister. When she realized I could see her in her new ghost state and when I realized I was the only one who could now see here. . .our relationship took a turn.

The thought of my sister being dead and I was the one who had to help find her killer was bitter sweet. Don't get me wrong, I want to bring the killer to justice and get my hands on them, but when I do find out, Charlotte will cross over and I'll never see her again.

Of course Charlotte's murder has about put Granny one foot in the grave and when Charlotte told me she wanted IT'S MY TURN on her tombstone, Granny about flew off the handle. It's a little undertaker humor that Granny didn't see fit.

I just might  take my time trying to figure out this murder.

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