


I love to answer reader's questions!
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Hi do!
If you are new to my channel here's a little bit about me~ I'm Tonya Kappes. I'm a USA Today Bestselling author who write SOUTHERN COZY MYSTERIES. First I'm a mom of four grown men boys, a wife with a rescue cat, Rowena. We live in the Bluegrass state of Kentucky where the seasons change as quickly as the suspects in my books! I write in 11 cozy mystery series for HarperCollins, Henery Press, Crooked Lane (Maymee Bell), and indie publish. I love my readers and host my own annual MURDER MYSTERY WEEKEND every October where I rent a train (yes a real train that moves) with a mystery dinner theater. My readers send me in question and I love to answer those through weekly videos from my shamper (SHE-CAMPER).

Don't miss anything! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE!

Happy sleuthing!

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🍂🍃🍁 First Class Killer is LIVE! 🍂🍃🍁


Hey, Y'all!

It's here! 

FIRST CLASS KILLER (A Mail Carrier Cozy Mystery Book 5)

It's here! Whoo hooo!! It's fall in Sugar Creek Gap, Kentucky and Bernadette Butler is delivering more than mail right along with the help of the Front Porch Ladies!

*Each book in the series can be read on its own, so feel free to dive on in! Pick this one up today and have a blast in Sugar Creek Gap!    

A little something about the book: 

Mail Carrier Bernadette Butler just can’t stop delivering clues when the clerk of the new book store turns up dead in Sugar Creek Gap, Kentucky, after the town is already shocked over a tell all “fiction” romance novel that hit the shelves filled secrets that were brush under the rug and now left hung out to dry.

Happy sleuthing!!

Have a great weekend in Sugar Creek Gap!

Be sure to grab FIRST CLASS KILLER (A Mail Carrier Cozy Mystery Book 5) TODAY!

Answering a Reader Question


Glamping is a thing, insists Mae West.

Yes. You read the headline correctly. My name is Mae West, not the actress. It just so happened I married a man, Paul, last name West. He was a smidgen older than me, like thirty years. Some said I was a gold digger, but I wasn't. He was a wealthy business man that just so happened let me quit my job as a flight attendant and enjoy long days at the spa, mall, and our home in the Hamptons.

The closest thing to camping Paul ever took me was to the Ritz Carlton and even then we ordered room service.

Then...the FBI raid in the middle of the night made me think I shouldn't've stayed at the spa or the mall all day. Paul's little business ended up swindling millions of dollars out of people in a ponzi scheme. Everything was taken. . .everything but a campground. . .in Kentucky!

Neither sounded good to me.

Apparently, Paul had won a bet when he was in college. His winning was Happy Trails Campground. It was explained to me, Paul had put the campground deed in my name. It also came with a camper. No joke! Me driving a camper?

I wanted to refuse and keep my cute convertible, but that was seized too.

Long story short, I found myself driving to Kentucky in a big ole RV that I knew nothing about. On the way, I'd gotten into a mean fight with a toilet plunger and it didn't turn out to pretty. So, going to a campground where the brochure showed photos of the amazing Kentucky Bluegrass, the backdrop of the Daniel Boone National Park, and a crystal lake to dip my toes, started to sound like a semi vacation until my lawyer could find a buyer.

I finally made it to Kentucky and you could just imagine my surprise when the beautiful Kentucky bluegrass was brunt, there was a slime film on the lake and let's just say the copyright on the brochure was from the 60's!

And if that wasn't bad enough, Paul...remember him? Well, he broke out of prison and was floating in the Happy Trails Campground lake. . .DEAD!

There are some amazing recipes and cleaning hacks in the back of the book! You can check out this amazing s'more dip that is the hit of any campground! Check out the recipe by clicking here!



A Camper and Criminals #CozyMystery Series 
Book One 



What is a food you like to eat when you go camping? 

Leave a comment to be entered to win an IT'S A SOUTHERN MYSTERY, Y'ALL TOTE AND GOODIES!

the fun doesn't stop here at Killer Characters!
Head on over to Tonya Kappes Books Facebook page for weekly themes and a pinned giveaway on the page. Click here to join the fun!

I’m Bernadette Butler, United States postal carrier. Mom to Grady Butler. Widow.

Have you ever been around one of those people who say there’s something coming or something about to happen? Or you’ve been thinking ‘bout her and she calls at that moment, that instant?
My best friend, Iris Peabody, she’s not one of those psychics or anything, but she does get those weird feelings ever once and a while. The first time we were in third grade. She swore to me how she’d seen a vision of Bobby Peters, the cutest boy in school, kissing me on the old rubber tire that was cemented into the ground on the playground. As soon as the teacher said it was time for recess, I darted out to that playground and perched myself right on top of that tire.
Bobby Peters himself ran by and pushed me right off, sending me to the ground and breaking my wrist. Boy, was Iris wrong.
Then there was another time when we were in high school and Iris told me she’d had one of them visions where Bobby Peters was going to ask me to prom. When I saw him walk over to our table in the cafeteria, my heart went pitter-pat.
He up and asked Iris. She went.
It wasn’t until years later, when I’d already gotten married to Richard Butler—making me Bernadette Butler, stay-at-home mom and ex-United States postal worker—and Iris was already divorced from Bobby Peters when she called me up at three p.m. one afternoon. I was getting ready to head on over to the high school football stadium to watch Grady. Oh no, he didn’t play football; he was the Sugar Creek Gap grizzly bear mascot that did get promoted to manager of the team the following year. Still, I went to every game Sugar Creek Gap High School played to watch my boy run up and down the sidelines in the ridiculous bear outfit, waving the high school flag in our very small town of Sugar Creek Gap, Kentucky.
Anyways, back to Iris. Well, she called me right before I was setting out for the game, asking all sorts of questions about Richard and whether I’d talked to him. Her exact words were, “I feel like something is wrong with Richard.”

To this day, I still get chills thinking about it.
Iris insisted I call him, but I knew Richard was away on business in our neighboring state of Tennessee, according to the online calendar we shared. There was no reason to bother him, especially when Iris’s little “feelings” had never come true yet.
I was cheering on the cute bear when I noticed the state Sheriff had showed up at the game. It was like a slow-motion scene when I recalled seeing them ask someone a question, and the person had pointed directly at me. The Sheriff officers’ eyes met mine, and my stomach dropped. Iris Peabody’s feeling about my beloved Richard had come true: he had been killed in a car wreck on his way to his meeting.
I’m Bernadette Butler, United States postal carrier. Mom to Grady Butler. Widow.

NEW MYSTERY SERIES! Meet the FRONT PORCH LADIES...retired, nothing better to do but sit on their front porches and taking it all in.... They might’ve been witness to a murder!


Weekly Chit-Chat

Happy October, Y'all!!! 
It sure doesn't feel like fall around here. It's in the mid 90's. Although I do love my pool, I LOVE fall and really can't wait until I can wear scarves, sweaters, and then I'll be complaining about how cold it is.
Let me tell y' can be 70's degrees out side and I'll be in shorts and flip flops...70's inside and I've got on a sweatshirt and cover on me! Right now, this morning...I have my coffee, a snuggy on plus another blanket on my legs! about 20 minutes I'll be roasting from menopause! 
Bless this hot mess!!!
Austin and Brady turned 22 over the weekend! I just can't believe it!!! We had a really nice time with family and friends. Brady's lady friend came with him while Austin brought a slew of college kids with him. 
I had Sonny's barbecue cater the event and it was soooo good! We had pulled chicken and pulled pork. 
I was sad Jack wasn't able to make it. University of Cincinnati basketball had their photos taken....go figure!
Are y'all on Instagram?? I stick a lot of pictures over's probably gonna be a little too much Tonya but I just love them photos!!!!!! 

Happy Book Birthday

Welcome to Normal, Kentucky where nothing is normal!

The Daniel Boone National Forest is gorgeous in the fall. The leaves have painted the sides of the mountains with yellow, oranges, reds and browns you won't see anywhere else. That's why it's such a popular destination for weddings!

When a wedding party show up at Happy Trails Campground, Mae West is thrilled. She's all things girly and excited to assist the bride in all things southern, which is what the bride is hankering for.
Mae recognizes the parents of the bride when they arrive. They are from her past. The past she's been desperately trying to escape...especially since it was the time she was married to Paul West. This just isn't any couple, it's the owners of the famous Moonbucks Coffee Company.

Determined to get the happy couple married off and on their way, hoping to see some of her past drive off forever, Mae volunteers herself and the Laundry Club ladies to become the wedding coordinators.

The wedding is set to take place in the beautiful wedding barn at the Old Train Station Motel, only Gert Hobson, the owner of Trails Coffee Shop and providing the coffee for the happy couple, has decided there's no way she's going to help out with Tom Moon's daughter's wedding since she claims how years ago Tom Moon STOLE her coffee blend recipe known today as the special Moonbucks blend.

A public fight between Gert and Tom leaves Gert a prime suspect after a member of the wedding party is found dead at the wedding venue. There might not be a happily ever after for the bride to be or Gert Hobson if Mae West and the Laundry Club ladies don't solve the murder before the wedding party's RV rolls out of town.



🙀Just when I thought there were no more kittens.... ☕ Coffee Chat With Tonya

This past weekend sure didn't start off like Eddy and I thought it would. It was parent's weekend at The University of Kentucky. It's Austin's senior year. After his term as his fraternity president was up, he'd decided he was done with the fraternity life so he went alumni. Since he's no longer active in the fraternity, he is more than happy to spend his weekends with his friends as normal students do. It by no means hurt our feelings when Austin decided we weren't going to do parents weekend. That meant we didn't have to go to the football. Hahha! WHICH...Eddy and I were good with that. Nonetheless, we made other plans for another day in the upcoming week to drive down there and go out to supper. 
On Saturday I spent the day writing on one of the new Mail Carrier Series books and getting my 2020 publishing scheduled nailed down, emailing various employees such as my cover artist and editor as well as getting my content planned on various social media platforms. AND....getting all the new recipes for the next few books baked and filmed so we can get those up on the Youtube book channel. 
It was a great working day. Cody came over for ribs on the grill and we were ready to turn in for the bank called to ask me about a couple of charges that were out of character for me! Someone had stolen my card and charged all sorts of stuff. It happens...
Sundays I try not to work. We like to go to church and get groceries for the week. I meal plan and we just take it easy. Nope. Not this Sunday!

Oh those little stinkers! Here's how Sunday went. After we got our groceries unloaded, I said, "I think I'll get another cup of coffee and sit by the pool before I start baking." Eddy thought it sounded like a good idea so he got himself a cup of coffee too. 
Rowena was looking out the window at us as she does, then I noticed she started to get fidgety. I figured she was looking at mama cat but then I noticed two little yellow ears pop out from underneath the deck. I jumped up and ran up there. THREE MORE KITTENS!!! 
Y'ALL! I already had the FIVE in the window this means both mama cats had babies! The yellow kitten ran underneath the deck (the small part where we can't get to) and I grabbed the two grey ones. 
Eddy and I were running around like crazy! I was so stunned, I...I...I'm still stunned. I already had homes for the five and they were going there today, but I called the people and figured a couple days wasn't going to hurt. Then I checked the other two I'd just caught to see if they would eat cat food. They did! So, I gathered up all the babies. 7 total and put them in the carrier and drove them down to Lexington to their new homes....
Then we stopped by my parent's house for a nice visit with them before we called Austin. We weren't going to stop by to see him but he said, "Can you take me grocery shopping."
Of course I jumped on it! So all in all, we did end up going to Lexington during parent's weekend. 
We have two have a heart traps. They are covered so the mamas don't know they are traps. I can't leave the traps out overnight because the coyotes or raccoons would claw the mamas to death. When I do put out the traps (daily) they sit on top of them. It's like they know what the traps are. I've even had three animal rescues here. We do have another rescue coming in the next week to see if they can use one of those box traps with the string. You know...the old kind. 
So PLEASE do not email about how I can catch the mamas. AND don't fill out the ask me a question form about how I'm going to catch the mamas. 
Trust me...we are beside ourselves over.